The FBI was right! Texas Synagogue Attack Was NOT an Anti-Semitic act!!!

Kosher Pizza

The statement by FBI special agent Matthew DeSarno following this weekend’s hostage-taking situation in Texas that the incident “was not specifically related to the Jewish community” was proved to be true! Fakin’News exclusive! We gathered information from witnesses, and carefully listened to the recordings form the incident. Here is what we found: Malik Faisal Akram, … Read more

LA Star Maps are out, Equal Distribution Maps are in!

Looting LA map, equal distribution

Get in on the action! Living in LA? Just visiting? Use our maps to find the best locations and schedule to do a little SmashN’Grab! We have special rates for the holidays! Visit www.LA-Loot-Sched.defund for LA maps, and www.Loot-USA.defund for a list of other great Equal Distribution location all over the US! *Coming soon, global … Read more

I Find it Funny – travel ban – but not really.

Biden called Trump racist. Then he called him xenophobic and fear mongering for banning travel from China because of COVID (AKA the China Virus). Now Biden bans travel from 8 African countries because of the omicron variant. I’m not objecting the ban on travel from Africa, though it might be a bit too cautious by … Read more

Shop For FREE! Smash & Grab Friday

Smash & Grab Hotstepper

They are making it an official annual event! The Friday before Thanksgiving will now be called Smash & Grab Friday. There’s nothing like free crap to show the holidays spirit. A source in the well established CCA (Criminal Consumer Association) just leaked that as part of Criminal Prime the Friday will be extended and become … Read more

Thoughts about China

I believe that if you’re not worried about China, you don’t know enough about it. I know enough to worry, and this is while leaving the pandemic aside. Our dependency on China is huge. As you read this you are probably touching, seeing and hearing dozens of items that are manufactured in China or have … Read more

Thoughts about Rittenhouse’s trial

One of the things that really bothered me about the Rittenhouse trial had nothing to do with the case itself. I’m no expert, this is what I logically think from what I know and saw, combined with what my gut tells me. It’s been discussed already (at least at “some” news networks) how unprofessional the … Read more

Facebook Is Dead!!! And it Predicts the Future!

Facebook is dead. It's in the name. Met means dead in Hebrew.

Facebook just announced they are changing their name to Meta. They predict the future! In Hebrew, if you say about a company that it is “meta” (מתה) it means that it is dead. Literally. A “meta” company is a dead company. You heard it first here. Can’t wait! I cracked up when I heard it.